Meet Actility at the SmartGrid SmartCity event in Paris

Meet Actility at the SmartGrid SmartCity event in Paris

The Actility Newsroom

Meet Actility at the SmartGrid SmartCity event in Paris

During the event Actility’s teams will be showcasing the new revenue opportunities around Demand Response programs for industrial sites and the new ThingPark Wireless IoT network

Actility will be present at the SmartGrid SmartCity event in 2014 in Paris on the 24th and 25th of September. During the event Actility’s teams will be showcasing the new revenue opportunities around Demand Response programs for industrial sites. Actility’s CEO, Olivier Hersent will speak at the opening conference on the role of Smartgrid platforms in improving the penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as wind, solar and biofuels in power distribution networks. Actility Energy will also present its energy efficiency solutions for instrumenting sites looking for real-time wireless multi-utility metering. Actility’s automated meter reading is based on thelow-power Internet of Things (IoT) network ThingPark Wireless.

Actility’s ThingPark team will be presenting the various vertical solutions that are anbled by the ThingPark Wireless network for Smart City applications such as Smart Parking or Smart energy performance control for buildings. Actility’s Vice President of Marketing, Nicolas Jordan will speak at the event’s conference dedicated to wireless technologies and will explain how unlicensed technologies such as ThingPark Wireless’s Long range and low-power radio technology compares with 3G, 4G, 5G, WIFI and matches the requirements of new Smart City applications.

Please note that the SmartGrid SmartCity conference will be held in conjunction with the Intelligent Building Systems (IBS) event.

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