Flipo-Richir and Actility announce a common initiative in automated Demand Response for industrial sites equipped with off-grid power generators

Flipo-Richir and Actility announce a common initiative in automated Demand Response for industrial sites equipped with off-grid power generators

The Actility Newsroom

Flipo-Richir and Actility announce a common initiative in automated Demand Response for industrial sites equipped with off-grid power generators

This new offer will allow participating sites to generate revenues from Demand Response programs and cover maintenance costs while maintaining operational continuity

As a next step Actility and Flipo Richir intend to leverage their international presence to push the initiative on other Demand Response markets starting with Belgium and Poland. Flipo-Energia, the polish subsidiary of Flipo-Richir and a leading provider of installation and maintenance services for power generators in Poland will be rolling out the same common solution.

About Actility

Actility is a provider of smart energy management services based on innovative Smart-Grid technology. Actility’s Smart-Grid applications focus on demand optimization and management, including Demand Response, Load Shifting and Admission Control. Actility allows industrial companies to reduce electricity costs by providing demand-side management services together with optimization and modelling software applications.


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