First sale transacted through Actility’s ThingPark Market ushers in a new era in IoT ecommerce

First sale transacted through Actility’s ThingPark Market ushers in a new era in IoT ecommerce

The Actility Newsroom

First sale transacted through Actility’s ThingPark Market ushers in a new era
in IoT ecommerce

ThingPark Market is a web based e-commerce platform through which partners in the ThingPark ecosystem can promote and sell their interoperable IoT devices and developer kits to buyers looking for LoRa IoT solutions.

Actility, the industry leader in low power wide area networking, and the innovator behind the ThingPark LPWA IoT platform, has officially opened ThingPark Market to buyers in Europe and within hours the first sales were concluded, clearly illustrating the demand for international commerce in the fast growing IoT business. The Market has been open for worldwide seller registration since the end of October.

“This is a unique opportunity for ThingPark partners to market and sell their products,“ says Actility Senior Vice President for Marketing & Digital, Christophe Francois. “The goal of ThingPark Market is to accelerate global market adoption of LoRaWAN and LPWA devices and make it straightforward to put together complete IoT solutions backed by the ThingPark Approved label. ThingPark Market provides global exposure for sellers and immediate availability for buyers.”

ThingPark Market meets a clear business need in the IoT ecosystem. Sellers of devices and applications can shorten their sales cycle, promote and manage their products and services, and have easy access to new sales channels. For buyers, the advantages include simplifying their procurement process through the e-commerce engine, and easy discovery of trusted products and applications thanks to the ThingPark Approved program. ThingPark Market, will also be offered as an operator-branded package alongside the ThingPark platform, providing a rich product catalogue to operator’ customers whilst promoting their brand, connectivity and IoT services. An operator branded Market will enhance their IoT solution portfolio and increase IoT revenue while reduce operational costs.

“Adeunis RF has been a partner of Actility from the very beginning, and we’re proud of that,” says Frank Fisher, Deputy CEO, Adeunis RF. ”We’re very pleased to be continuing this relationship on the ThingPark Market. Adeunis RF was among the very first to put its products online with Actility, and it makes us very proud to make the first ThingPark Market sale in Europe. This new Market is clear and attractive for buyers and sellers, so it has a bright future ahead.”

Demonstrating the growing maturity and traction of the ThingPark ecosystem, the Partner program now offers new benefits to developers and device makers. ThingPark Explorers can trial the ThingPark development platform free of charge, connecting a gateway and up to five devices to the ThingPark platform. Developers can also access DX (Developer experience) APIs in an easy to use and customizable Swagger interface to use in their IoT application code. Users are able to self-provision and monitor their connected devices in an interactive dashboard.

“With ThingPark Market offering a global ecommerce route to market, and the on-ramp for developers to trial ThingPark and become partners now so easy and so accessible, ThingPark’s position as a business enabler at the heart of the LoRaWAN ecosystem has never been stronger,” concludes Olivier Hersent, founder and CTO of Actility.

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