Actility Energy now operating in the UK, to secure the electricity network

Actility Energy now operating in the UK, to secure the electricity network

The Actility Newsroom

Actility Energy now operating in the UK, to secure the electricity network

Actility is selected as one of the suppliers to National Grid, the Transmission System Operator for Great Britain, to secure the electricity network in real-time during high demand periods through demand response.

Actility will participate in the new scheme developed in anticipation of the capacity mechanism, entitled DSBR. DSBR is targeted at large energy users who volunteer to reduce their demand during winter weekday evenings between 4 and 8 pm in return for a payment.

Already operating in France and Benelux, Actility Energy will bring its disruptive expertise in advanced modelling and control to provide clean demand response resources to National Grid, and support their ambition to spend £200 million to £400 million a year on demand side services in Great Britain by 2020.

“Actility’s breakthrough into the UK market collaborating with a key player such as National Grid is truly a great accomplishment. “ Paul Cobos, Regional Sales Director.

“We are very encouraged with the growth of participation within the Demand Side Balancing Reserve (DSBR) service and welcome Actility as a new provider for the 2015/16 winter season.” David Preston, Senior Account Manager.

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