Turnkey IoT solution to monitor desk occupancy and cleanliness post-Covid released by Sensative, Actility and WMW

Turnkey IoT solution to monitor desk occupancy and cleanliness post-Covid released by Sensative, Actility and WMW

Turnkey IoT solution to monitor desk occupancy and cleanliness post-Covid released by Sensative, Actility and WMW

Press Release – Paris, France –  January 27th 2022

Sensative, a leading IoT solutions provider based in in Lund, Sweden, and Actility,  announce a partnership and, after joint work with WMW, have released an integrated LoRaWAN-enabled IoT solution for office space optimization, too with more solutions to come.

The turnkey solution is an easy way to optimize office space and simplify as we start coming « back to office » after Covid. The solution includes IoT sensors that monitor desks, using an active IR sensor and connected to Actility and WMW using LoRaWAN technology. The kit helps office operators, facility managers and real-estate owners to adapt to the growing demand for flexible and efficient office space within private, public spaces and co-working spaces. The solution allows a simple way to get insights into how to improve office space usage and lower operative costs, through desk KPIs and to accelerate the demand for flexible short-term contracts and excellent tenant experience and safety. This helps to drive the business from traditional long-term leases to a more service-oriented business model « Space-as-a-service » (SPaaS).

An evaluation Starter Kit of this turnkey solution , now available on ThingPark Market, Actility’s IoT solutions marketplace, provides you with the required hardware, software and connectivity to assess this integrated plug-and-play solution. 

Sensative sensors are easy to install and have a very low maintenance cost. The Strips Family of sensors are so thin that they can be installed invisibly, and with a 10-year battery time, it provides very long maintenance intervals.

Post-COVID-19 – Clean desks on demand

Ideal for busy office spaces and hot desking environments, the Sensative desk occupancy sensor can be useful in creating a COVID-secure workspace.

When a company embraces flexible working or a flexible working environment—meaning a workplace that does not have fixed seating and/or gives employees some element of choice in when and where they work—they often introduce the concepts of hot-desking or hoteling.

Hot-desking means that any employee can find and work at any open seat (desk or workstation) when they get to the office each day. With hoteling, employees can reserve a specific desk/workstation or any other type of space: meeting/conference rooms, collaborative spaces, phone banks—whatever is available in the office. Employees can, for instance, use an app or software to find a desk before they come into the office or as they arrive, so there is some comfort in knowing that they will have a place to sit. Depending on the software and technology you use, employees can even search for certain colleagues and make sure they reserve a nearby desk for easy collaboration.

The growing demand for Hot Desks creates new challenges. Tenants looking for an office experience, free and clean desk in a simple way, having a cleaning-on-demand mechanism rather than a scheduled one. According to McKinsey report, 83% of corporate real estate executives rank space utilization as the most important metric for making effective workplace decisions.

The market for such solutions is showing a 400% revenue increase over the last decade and 30% growth 2018-2023 in Europe only. According to Global newswire (07/21), the market for Smart Offices is expected to generate USD 69.12 billion by 2026, at an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12%. Additionally, Zion Market research (09/19): market for flexible office market expected to generate USD 111.68 billion by 2027, with a healthy growth rate of more than 17%.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, recent initiatives require companies to be able to record and maintain the cleanliness of working areas. Normal desk occupancy sensors only report occupied or not occupied, two basic values to show the availability of the desk. With  Sensative Strips Presence, a unique manual sliding switch becomes available to help report when a desk has been cleaned. Ideal for busy office spaces and hot-desking environments, the Sensative desk occupancy sensor can be useful in creating a COVID-secure workspace.

The Strips Presence has a new reporting type, “pending cleaning,” which means that when a person is at a desk and then leaves, the sensor will report the desk as “pending” cleaning, instead of just “empty”.

The action that is required for the desk to be available for someone else can, for instance, be pending cleaning and disinfection. When the cleaner has disinfected the desk, they can simply slide the +Switch attachment on the sensor, and the sensor will now report that the desk is available and disinfected.

The Sensative desk occupancy sensor uses LoRaWAN technology to report data to a compatible gateway over a range of up to 10 km. Supplied with a custom built-in battery with a lifetime of up to 10 years, the sensor strip can be easily applied via an adhesive backing.

An off-the shelf innovative solution bringing the best of IoT

By deploying ThingPark Enterprise, customers benefit from a dependable, secure, and scalable private LoRaWAN® connectivity infrastructure to enable a wide variety of IoT use cases.

ThingPark Enterprise streamlines IoT network operations, providing enterprises with a proficient UX to easily build a multi-gateway LoRaWAN® network and feed data to IoT applications. ThingPark Enterprise dashboards provide key operational insights & alarm management. LoRaWAN gateways and devices are managed by a fully geo-redundant platform with 24/7 supervision.

LoRaWAN® technology gets leveraged by optimizing asset’s energy consumption and providing lower operational costs. It is also extremely easy to use and available as on-premises & cloud-based application, offering the option to manage the installation from one single application dashboard with easy accessibility, usability, management, and control, while being completely data-driven, automating compliance reports and alert notifications sent via SMS or email.

Additionally, WMW offers an applicative dashboard that lets a user visualize and take actions based on collected data. Its primary intention is to provide office space information at-a-glance, such as presence KPIs. This version of WMW offers diverse features such as device management, user management, infrastructure management, and a ruling system to set and receive alarms.

The application will help managers manage an entire facility/building desk by presenting a complete overview of its operational space usage, ensuring people and assets are kept safe and in perfect condition.

About Sensative  

Sensative – Smart IoT applications with Sensative. Whether it be smart city solutions, building automation or any other type of iot applications that you want to realize, we have got the tools for your business. Our sensors, Strips, are the architects choice with the invisible design, no maintenance and lowest data-acquisition-cost (DAC). Strips multi-sensors for LoRaWAN networks with a range of up to 10km and have been deployed globally (more than 150 000 units and counting). Sensative also provides a Digital infrastructure Manamgent System (DiMS) ”Yggio” for smart cities, building and utilities in which many of our customer are already using Actility connectivity solutions. Sensative was awarded Frost & Sullivan award as the most innovative IoT-company in Europe 2021.

About WMW   

The WMW platform gathers, processes and analyzes data collected from people and things. Review, predict and prevent situations and act accordingly! Optimize, increase and become more efficient!

 WMW is a hub where you combine your operational data with information provided through sensors and people. The hub acts as a single user interface to collect, visualize and manage all assets over various locations and use cases. Everything you want to know about your assets, people and external services can be linked digitally to your organization. WMW can be part of a dedicated end-to-end solution or serve as the single point of operation for multiple sensors, projects and sites.

Contact: https://www.wmw-hub.com/contact

About Actility   

Actility is a world leader in Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) industrial-grade connectivity solutions for the Internet of Things. Actility provides its ThingPark™ platform and network technology to deploy, operate and maintain public and private wireless IoT networks within a unified, scalable and versatile network infrastructure. The vast majority of nationwide LoRaWAN® network service providers (over 50) and hundreds of companies trust ThingPark™ all over the world. Through its subsidiary Abeeway, Actility also providespatented ultra-low power tracking solutions. ThingPark Market offers the largest selection of interoperable IoT gateways, devices and applications to simplify and accelerate deployment of use cases.  

Contact us here: https://www.actility.com/contact

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