IEEE World Forum IoT 2022

IEEE World Forum IoT 2022

IEEE World Forum IoT 2022

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October 26th -November 11th 2022

Yokohama, Japan


The 8th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT2022) is the premier event of the Multi-Society IEEE IoT Initiative. You will find a comprehensive and exciting program that brings the latest developments from industry, the business world, the public sector, and the research community, attracting the most prominent people from across the breath of the IoT ecosystem, the latest news of significant innovations and advances from the academic community, and shared experiences from practitioners and end-users about the successes and challenges of IoT deployments.

The Theme for the World Forum is “Sustainability and the Internet of Things”, where presentations and panels will emphasize the four pillars of sustainability: human, social, economic, and environmental, with a focus on how technical IoT applications and solutions contribute to the seventeen Sustainability Development Goals that were developed in the UN Brundtland Report.

The IEEE WFIoT2022 will be held as a hybrid conference consisting of both Virtual Live Online and Face-Face sessions, including local and remote presence.

We are honored to welcome you at the tutorial that our expert Alper Yegin will attend on the 27th of October from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Introduction to LoRaWAN:

LoRaWAN is the wireless communication technology that is specifically built for serving Massive IoT use cases through its long range and low power nature. With the help of its operation over unlicensed bands and low-cost infra investment, we are witnessing rapid adoption of this technology practically in all IoT verticals, from pet tracking to smart cities. In this tutorial, Alper Yegin will introduce the technical features, example use cases, current deployments, and the latest developments in LoRaWAN.

Plenary talk - LoRaWAN: Delivering LPWAN and Building Massive IoT

Alper Yegin is a technology architect involved in research, design, and standardization of IoT and mobile technologies. Prior to his current positions,Alper has worked for Samsung Electronics Research Center where he led the 5G IP mobility, 4G WiMAX security, and ETSI M2M security design projects. He has made essential contributions to the design and standardization of networking technologies including Mobile IP, IPv6, Zigbee IP, and PANA during his tenure at Samsung, DoCoMo USA Labs, and Sun Microsystems. Alper has also has been actively involved in international standards organizations such as IETF, 3GPP, ETSI, LoRa Alliance, Zigbee Alliance, and WiMAX Forum at contributor and committee chair capacities and is a past member of IETF Wireless and IPv6 Forum Technical Directorates, author of numerous telecom-related standards and papers with 16 granted and several pending patents.

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