Don’t miss our Japanese partner, Macnica’s events

Don’t miss our Japanese partner, Macnica’s events

Join Macnica, our Japanese Channel Partner, at their events to learn about LoRaWAN IoT solutions

If you are interested in LoRaWAN and IoT solutions and also you speak Japanes, don’t miss these great virtual and physical events where our Japanese Channel Partner Macnica will be presenting their solutions for smart cities, smart buildings and smart industry, powered by Actility 

Macnica will be participating in three different events in Japan, the country with the most advanced and cutting-edge technology solutions in the worlduring the end of 2020to cover all the verticals related to IoT solutions and get to know all the IoT related latest advances. 

From the 26th of October to the 25th of December you will be able to attend Macnica’s Technology & Solution eventThis is a comprehensive exhibition for Macnica’s semiconductor solutions, where 30 seminars and 70 online demos in 10 technology fields have been created for you to join and where LoRaWAN has been featured as part of Macnica’s wireless solutions. 

During the end of the year, you will also be able to enjoy Macnica’s Exponential Technology event, which will be held from the 18th of November to the 11th of December. This is a virtual private event where the idea of combining cutting-edge exponential technologies such as AI, IoT and Bio Science with intelligence is the base. This event seeks to transform business models and enrich society and lifestyle by, for example including LoRaWAN as part of a COVID-19 solution. Macnica will be holding this event in a virtual exhibition space where you can walk around and attend exhibition booths and sessions that will give you hints on cutting-edge technology and its utilization. 

Finally from the 2nd to the 4th of December Macnica will also be attending the virtual Japan Smart Building Expo, which unites all the necessary technologies for next generation building, design, construction and management such as ZEB, IoT for buildings and i construction.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join our partner and get to know all the latest innovation in Smart Solutions. 

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