Actility successfully completes ETSI M2M interoperability test during ETSI’s Plugtest in Sophia Antipolis

Actility successfully completes ETSI M2M interoperability test during ETSI’s Plugtest in Sophia Antipolis

The Actility Newsroom

Actility successfully completes ETSI M2M interoperability test during ETSI’s Plugtest in Sophia Antipolis

Actility’s ThingPark platform complies fully with the ETSI allowing ThingPark Wireless sensor and application vendors to easily integrate with the ThingPark Wireless IoT network

ETSI’s Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) has organized the 1st Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interoperability testing event of the ETSI M2M architecture with the support of the European Commission.. The purpose of this event was to verify the M2M primitives interoperability as defined in the ETSI standards and to check end-to-end functionality on ETSI M2M interfaces dIa, mId and mIa.

The event was scheduled from 10 to 12 September 2014 in ETSI, Sophia Antipolis. Actility was successful in engaging in test sessions with M2M vendors allowing all parties to assess the level of interoperability of their implementations and verify the correct interpretation of ETSI M2M standards.

All M2M systems vendors (including M2M Devices, DA, GSCL, NSCL, NA…) were invited to participate. For more information on the ETSI M2M architecture please refer to our dedicated channel:

Interoperability test scenarios were conducted based on ETSI M2M standards TS 102 690 and TS 102 921. All participants had the possibility to verify the common mechanisms (registration, subscription, discovery, access rights, etc …) specified in the standard, whatever M2M use cases is deployed for the implementations.

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