Actility ranked in the Top 100 Internet of Things Startups for 2015

Actility ranked in the Top 100 Internet of Things Startups for 2015

The Actility Newsroom

Actility ranked in the Top 100 Internet of Things Startups for 2015

A recent analysis executed by Mattermark Pro put Actility on the map as one of the top 100 IoT startups worldwide. The company positions itself strongly as one of the only four French startups amongst a majority of American ones.

The list is ranked by total funding the different companies received in 2015, which corresponds to a remarkable 25M$ for Actility, due to a funding round in June lead by Ginko Ventures, Foxconn and several big telecom operators.  Total funding for the top 100 IoT startups is currently $6.19B.


Mattermark started their analysis by listing all startups currently active in the IoT market. A combination of artificial intelligence and data quality analysis was used to provide insights into over 470,000 with employee data, and over 100,000 funding events.

New partnerships

Actility’s strong position as IoT startup in the technological ecosystem has been underlined by a recent series of new partnerships in Europe and overseas. Belgium telecom operator Proximus and Dutch telecom operator KPN have both announced the nationwide deployment of a LoRa network leveraging Actility’s ThingPark Wireless™ core network platform. By the end of 2016, both countries aim to be fully covered as to make their cities smart. 

Furthermore, Dubai-based telecom operator du is the first company in the Middle East to launch a LoRa IoT network proof of concept. 

To display the full top 100 IoT startups, please click here

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