Actility on BFM

Actility on BFM

Watch Olivier Hersent, our CEO, on BFM

The past 13th of November, our CEO, Olivier Hersent, gave an interview on BFM, the first continuous economic and financial information television channel in France, where he talked about Actility’sexponential rise and future prospects. 

During the interview we where able to understand how Actility started with the clear objective of connecting millions of objects through LoRaWAN connectivity and how now, our thousands of clients rely on us to connect their industrial gadgets and to solve their everyday problems through ourintegrated solutions. These solutions rely on a connectivity which consumes up to 20 times less than 3,4 or 5 G, though private connections with a much wider range than any other connectivity, helping solve Smart City, Smart Building and Smart Industry problems, among others, even helping to solve problems related to COVID-19, like enforced temporary business shutdowns, though ProximityDetection and Contact Tracing among workers. 

Olivier also commented on the company’s future by saying that Actility is already working with the most important operators in the world, which we believe will be doubling the number of existingconnected objects in the near future, making Actility grow a 100% per year and opening the door for the size of networks we are involved with to grow at least a 50% per year. 

Photo of Olivier Hersent
Olivier Hersent, CEO at Actility
Recognized telecom and technology expert, who founded NetCentrex, a leading provider of VoIP infrastructure for service providers, then became CTO of Comverse after the acquisition of NetCentrex in 2006. Olivier is a recognized thought leader in Telecoms and Energy markets and is the author of several books on networking technology, VoIP, M2M, Internet of Things(IoT) and the Smart Grid. Olivier graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and has later on, in 2010, founded Actiliy, IoT solution provider. Via its ThingPark Wireless platform, Actility uses the LoRaWAN technology to enable LPWA IoT networks for countless applications.

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