Actility contributes to a successful IoT workshop for 40 Silicon Valley developers

Actility contributes to a successful IoT workshop for 40 Silicon Valley developers

The Actility Newsroom

Actility contributes to a successful IoT workshop for 40 Silicon Valley developers

Comcast event room
Comcast event city picture
Comcast event room close up

The Connected Device Summit gathered 40 IoT developers invited by Orange Silicon Valley and Comcast’s machineQ for a deep-dive on the LoRa technology.

Alongside with its partners Multitech and  MyDevices, Actility’s API expert  presented a hands-on session with the LoRaWAN Dev Kit.

“We were glad to see how fast participants could connect their devices and start sending some data! Using our new developer-oriented ThingPark DX API helped a lot to get people on board” comments Alexandre Estela”, API Program Manager with Actility.

“Our special thanks go to Orange for hosting this Summit in their amazing San Francisco offices and to Comcast for organizing this successful event!”

Go to Comcast’s machineQ

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